I Talk Too Much (Brevity Pulls)

There’s a lot to be said for keeping it brief.  It’s a shame that’s never been my style.  Get me taking about something I’m passionate about, and I’ll talk your ear off until you beg me to stop.  And then I may keep going for another few minutes anyway, just to tie up the last bits.  It’s the way I am.  The less I say, the less I care.

My family would attest to this unfortunate truth.  As a fan of a fair amount of sci-fi and fantasy books and video games, I tend to blather on about the most recent Zombies, Run mission or how excited I am about the next Dragon Age game.  Get me going about food, and I’ll discuss the dangers of the current farming system and the benefits of a plant-based diet until I’m blue in the face.  Get me talking about my job and not only will I bore you to tears, but I’ll also drive you crazy with my repetitive complaints.

Brevity is a good thing most of the time, and I’m working on it.  More words equal more words, not more worth.  Saying something more times doesn’t make it more true.  Being clear, concise, and true to the point is often the single best way to get a point across.  Something else to work on, I suppose.  It’s always good to have yet another personal self-growth goal.


Thanks to “The Daily Post” for the prompt. 🙂

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2 Responses to I Talk Too Much (Brevity Pulls)

  1. loupmojo says:

    I think you’re allowed to be verbose on subjects close to your heart. Brevity should only be used for the boring things, the mundane and every day; so keep on being verbose 😉


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